Fast Track Journal Publishing List

Publikasi Jurnal Gratis

There are a number of reputable international and national fast track journal that publish quickly every month.

In a scientific journal, articles are published regularly (following regulations), such as twice or up to four times a year. A team of reviewers reviews or evaluates the manuscripts of articles written for journals before they enter the journal’s editorial office.

Journal article reviewers are usually more than one person who is an expert in a particular field of study according to the topic written in the article.

Journals generally contain a number of references that become references for writing each article. The types of articles written are not limited to research reports, but can also be in the form of literature reviews.

As a research report, a journal article usually consists of several sections, such as a title, abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, analysis results, discussion, and implications. Sometimes the journal includes recommendations and suggestions for future research agendas.

Fast-publishing journals

1. Ascarya: Journal of Islamic Science, Culture and Social Studies


Publikasi Jurnal Gratis

Ascarya: Journal of Islamic Science, Culture and Social Studies was first published on 2021-01-19; this journal obtained E-ISSN 2775-4243 (Online – Electronic) on January 19, 2021, with Decree Number 0005.27754243/K.4/SK. ISSN/2021.02. Indonesian Institute of Sciences Center for Scientific Data and Documentation (ISSN INDONESIA NATIONAL CENTER). Furthermore, on Saturday, July 10, 2021, this journal received  P-ISSN 2798-5083  (Print) with Decree Number  0005.27985083 / K.4 / SK. ISSN/2021.07.

This journal is published by the publisher of the Perkumpulan Alumni dan Santri Mahyajatul Qurro’, and it has aims and broad scope in three main areas, namely Islamic Science, Culture, and Social Studies.

Ascarya: Journal of Islamic Science, Culture and Social Studies is one of the fast track journal.

2. Edusia: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Asia


fast track journal

Edusia: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Asia is published by the Association of Graduates and Students of ASA-MQ with E-ISSN 2798-9569 (Online – Electronic) and P-ISSN 2807-1220 (Print). 

Edusia is is one of the fast track journal.

3. Civil Officium: Journal of Empirical Studies on Social Science


Publikasi Jurnal Gratis

The primary aim of Civil Officium is fast track journals to improve problem-solving in Social Science. Stakeholders in society, education, government, politics, and cultural research grapple with various standards.

Types of Fast Track Journal

1. National Journal

Journals published by national associations have editors of national standing who have been selected from several institutions.

This journal is designed to accommodate or communicate the results of scientific research and scientific concepts in certain disciplines to members of the scientific community or researchers who are engaged in scientific disciplines that are relevant. The journal has also been published by scientific societies, professional bodies, as well as universities and other units. 

This national journal is published in Indonesian and English.

There are scientific journals that publish works by authors from at least two different academic institutions, as well as editorial boards or editors comprised of experts in their field and from at least two different institutions.

Click here for more information about fast track journal.

2. Reputable national publication

A reputable journal is one that has an index and is well-known on a global basis. The reputation of a journal is measured by the Impact Factor (IF) or the impact factor, so the more citations, the more impactful/high value, the journal’s function is not only read but has become reference material for reference researchers or scientists.

3. Accredited national journal

Accredited national journals are published on a regular basis and disseminate scientific developments. They are officially published with an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) and widely disseminated.

This journal, which is distributed nationally and accredited by DIKTI, includes national experts as bestari partners, attracts experts from outside the environment itself, and involves national experts as bestari partners.

4. International Journal

An international journal is a scientific manuscript with novelty or novelty that can be used in other people’s articles. In other words, the number of words in this scientific paper is limited. The journal’s position is more prestigious when compared to academic scientific writing, such as a thesis.

International journals are those that meet the following requirements.

  • Required scientific works are written in accordance with scientific principles and scientific ethics.
  • Be ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) compliant; and
  • Be written in the official UN languages (Arabic, English, French, Russian, Spanish and Chinese).
  • The issue is available online.
  • The Editorial Board consists of experts in their fields from at least four (four) different countries.
  • Scientific articles published in one (one) publication number have at least two (two) authors from different countries.
  • Indexed by international databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, Microsoft Academic Search, and/or pages selected by the Directorate General of Higher Education.

Please see the image below for more information.

5. Reputable international journal

Scientific journals that meet the criteria for international journals and are indexed in reputable database sites are considered reputable international journals. There are currently two reputable scientific journal database websites, Scopus and Web Science.

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